BEFORE the session: We will talk about what style and location fits your preferences and what you want out of a photo session. Then we will pick a location, date, and time. Payment is due before the photoshoot or at the photoshoot BEFORE any pictures are taken. Paypal, credit, cash, and check are accepted. Paypal and credit price varies from cash and check price.
It's actually a lot easier than people assume it will be. We are going to meet up at a location, walk around, we will stop to take some photos in different areas!
Water bottles. It's hot in Texas! Please be aware that I can't put anything of yours in my bag (I did it once, the water bottle broke, it was a bad day)
Flats if you are going to be wearing heels or uncomfortable shoes. We may have to do a lot of walking.
Tissues (for sweat and blotting makeup :) )
If you bring any items to your shoot, please keep it in a bag that you are ok with setting on the ground.
Yes! One disclaimer here: when I work with couples, I'll give you some suggestions about posing - but a lot of the time, I get my best shots from suggesting a pose and stepping back a bit until the couple works out the pose. You are already comfortable with each other, so it's not hard to take beautiful photos together. Don't be surprised if I act out the pose I want you to do, or show you a similar picture. I am a very visual person and seeing something always helps me do it.
The "I don't look good in pictures" mind frame comes from the film age - most times, people had 27 exposures to get the moments they wanted and most were taken at inopportune times... (trust me I have plenty of pictures from my childhood that back this up) I only work with digital cameras, so I often take hundreds of pictures in my sessions, ensuring that you're going to get plenty of good ones. :)
Well, this depends on the number of different things you want and your photo session time! But I'll say that so far, it's never been a problem to request picture ideas and poses! It's not unusual for people to come with me with 10-15 pictures from pinterest or google images and want to get those specific shots. I've had shoots where they come with them printed out and we reference them throughout the shoot! Understandably, the pictures will not be 100% the same from the ones you found, because you are unique and different and the photos will reflect you and your personality. I understand wanting to try and get some specific shots I've seen though, I have a list of pictures I'd like to try for myself as well! So collect ideas, pictures, and concepts that you like and feel free to share them with me. Even if we can't get them all, it gives me an idea of what you like, what you don't like, and your personal style. It helps me know you :)
Yes, please!! You are welcome to bring props - Everyone loves props and it will help make your session even more unique to you!
About 50-100 images per hour.
Please be aware that digital media is really meant to be temporary storage. Hard drives fail, burned CDs and DVDs become inoperable, types of storage media fade into antiquity before data can be transferred, off site storage companies go bankrupt, SD (or compact flash or micro SD or Memory Sticks) have, can, and will fail at some point. The only REAL way to achieve longevity of your images is via printed photographs. So please, once you receive your photos, please make back-ups and have prints or products created. You won't be sorry you did! :)
If you are not planning on getting prints / photo books / physical copies of your photos in the foreseeable future:
Although I highly recommend physical copies, if you do not have the means or time to do so right now, then I suggest taking a few simple precautions:
Make copies of your digitals - on different computers, on an external hard drive that is military drop grade, etc.
If you are looking for an external harddrive, keep in mind that they are easily broken. More reliable ones (but still not guaranteed) are the "military drop standards" external hardd rives like the Transcend 1 TB Military Drop Standards external Harddrive (~$75 on Amazon). Also, you should make sure the backup ability on your computer is set up. If you have a PC, you can search "back up and restore" on Google or on the Microsoft website,
Consider cloud storage. Basically, you just pay for a service to host your files and you can access them from the internet on any computer. I use Google Storage, depending on how much you want, the price will vary. I think I'm paying $5 a year currently for mine. There are also some free ones for limited storage, like Dropbox.
Please please back up and take care of your photos! Brittany Black Photography cannot guarantee copies of your photos after they have been delivered.